When too much is too much!

What a weekend! 

I am absolutely knackered. Have you ever felt like you were drowning? That's how I feel!

There is simply too much going on right now. Don't get me wrong. I love change. I hate routine. I like to try new things. I cannot sit still. But for once I just would like to sit on my bum and do nothing, just sit on the couch and watch telly all day. That is what I need right now. 

But there is just so much to do...

We are moving home soon. That's fantastic. I am really looking forward to it. But this comes with disadvantages too, like actually moving (packing and unpacking). I spent my weekend going from room to room and making piles of things to sell or donate; then started to advertise the stuff for sale on ebay, Facebook or Preloved (and organising dates/times for people to pick up). Nightmare...

We also started shopping for flooring as our new house is a new-built and flooring is left for us to arrange. It is exciting but a bit overwhelming. Too much choice, too many different options. I thought my head would explode when we left the showroom.

Next to sort out was the room for Anna (our new au pair). She arrives next weekend so I prepared her room, discussed the particulars of the contract with her, etc..

I also prepared baby shower games and looked for decorations for my sister-in-law, who I am organising a baby shower for.

That's despite the usual laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, washing up (...) and taking care of the kids of course.

Why is it that, when you have something to do, they are IMPOSSIBLE! I mean, I understand they want some attention but even if I explain that the sooner I am done, the sooner I can play with them, it does not work?

Dylan's behaviour was the worst. Chatting back at me and dad, not listening to anything we were saying, being very untidy and really disrespectful. I can tolerate a lot of things but not disrespect. It was so bad I actually had to take him for a walk, just the two of us, to have a chat about his despicable behaviour. 

Things seemed to have calmed down a little since then. Kids are in bed. I am getting ready to go to bed soon myself. 

I just wanted to finish this post.

I hope this post will find you well and that your weekend was much more relaxing than mine.

Good night all :).


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