Pizza Workshop

We had a pizza evening last night.

I never know what to cook. I can never please everyone. If hubby likes what I cook, the kids don't and vice versa. It is a nightmare.

I could not handle any more criticism about my cooking (not last night). Everyone love pizzas at home hence why a pizza evening :).

The kids made their own. Dylan made a ham, olives and goats' cheese pizza and Ryan a Chorizo pizza.

Ingredients for Dylan's pizza:
Pizza dough base
Pizza sauce
Goats' cheese
Grated cheese

Ingredients for Ryan's pizza:
Pizza dough base
Pizza sauce
Grated cheese

Both the boys enjoyed the activity. Even Ryan managed to participate in the activity (he is only 22 months). Daddy helped him place the Chorizo slices and the grated cheese onto the pizza base (more cheese in his mouth than on the pizza though as you can imagine - too tempting).

Dylan did everything himself: spread the pizza sauce onto the pizza base, cut and placed the ham onto the pizza base, then spread the olives and the grated cheese on top.

Cooking was really enjoyable for once. It did not feel like a chore (I hate cooking). Definitely something to do again with the boys.

PS: I do not work for Tesco and don't promote their products. I just happen to shop there.


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