Career woman, stay-at-home mum, entrepreneur and childminder in just one year!
So much has happened since my last post in November 2016. It has been absolutely crazy! Just a rollercoaster of emotions really. Things started to deteriorate with our au-pair around Christmas time (2016) and she announced she was leaving us at the beginning of February 2017. Soon after that I was let go by my employer, for reasons I still cannot comprehend. I chose not to take it further, took my pay-out and said goodbye. So just like that, one Friday morning, I became a "stay-at-home" mum. I enjoyed it for a while. It was nice to be able to take Dylan to school, go to playgroups with Ryan, meet up with other mums for coffee... But that did not last. I just became bored. And with so much time on my hands, I started to ruminate about everything that had happened and to feel depressed. I decided to turn this rather unpleasant experience into something positive and began thinking about business ideas. Some were pretty good to be totally honest. However, me not being s...