20 things I love about the UK and British people
I had a conversation with some British friends the other day. They wanted to know why I chose to live in the UK (and not somewhere warmer for example)? I had never given it much thought before to be honest... So here they are, the 20 reasons why I love the UK so much: 1- This is where I met my husband and where my kids were born Definitely the #1 on my list. 2- Cupcake-obsessed nation I know this is not exclusively British but the UK is where I discovered these lovely little treats. I must say I am addicted too. 2- The countryside Particularly Scotland, Ireland, the Lake District and Kent. I know this would not be most people's favourite holiday destinations but they are for me. Best memories ever! Loch Ness and Travel Teddy 3- Victorian/Georgian houses Although cold and damp (I know for having rented a few), these character houses are absolutely gorgeous. 4- Galaxy Smooth Milk Chocolate ...